About DSecured

About DSecured

DSecured is a German IT security company that offers services such as penetration testing and red teaming, as well as consulting for international clients.

We specialize in all aspects of perimeter security, relying on a strong team of experienced security experts who bring extensive knowledge in both offensive and defensive IT security.

Small but excellent - the team

DSecured consists of three core members and a broad network of specialists who can be consulted as needed, in coordination with the client. Almost all team members have been active in the field of bug bounty hunting for many years. This is the reason why each of us is ranked among the Top 10 Hackers in various programs. For instance, Damian is one of the top hackers at Toyota, while Majd is among the top hackers at PayPal.

Damian Strobel

Damian Strobel

Founder & Penetration tester

HackerOne LinkedIn Github

Majd Atiyat

Majd Atiyat

Penetration tester & consultant

HackerOne LinkedIn

Patrik Fehrenbach

Patrik Fehrenbach

Penetration tester & Bug Bounty Expert

HackerOne LinkedIn Github

Activities & industries

Aviation industry

As an external Red Team, we were allowed to attack one of the largest aviation companies.


At a British research institute we found external and internal threats.

Car manufacturers

We found dozens of security gaps for a German manufacturer.

IT companies

We were able to detect a large PII leak in a Brazilian company.

Insurance companies

We regularly assess the external IT security of potential policyholders.


At regular intervals we carry out penetration tests against a well-known robotics application.

Railway companies

We were allowed to analyze the entire infrastructure of a foreign railway company.

SaaS providers

SaaS providers are classic customers - the complexity of these applications makes regular pen tests necessary.


Gaming portals are also part of our customer portfolio.

Mode of operation


We analyze your needs and create a customized security plan.


We search for security holes, IT problems, shadow IT & leaks!


You receive regular, clear reports on the security status of your system.

Core Values & Corporate Philosophy

Customer Orientation

In our company, the satisfaction of our customers is the priority. We do everything we can to develop solutions that meet their specific requirements and goals.


Our work is characterized by unwavering integrity, as we adhere uncompromisingly to ethical principles and industry standards to ensure the trust and security of our customers.


Driven by our constant curiosity, we push the boundaries of what is possible, always seeking new ways to improve the IT security of our clients and exceed their expectations.


Our pursuit of innovation allows us to develop forward-thinking security solutions that protect our clients against current and future threats.


We place great emphasis on maintaining the relevance of our solutions by continuously adapting to the dynamic landscape of IT security and updating our offerings accordingly.


We believe in the importance of transparency in all our business relationships, so that our clients are always fully informed about the strategies and methods we use to protect their IT environments.

Damian Strobel

Damian has an engineering degree from the Technical University of Berlin and has been working in various positions in the field of IT security for 15 years. Most recently he was CTO and partner in a German IT security company, where he was responsible for the development of an eASM and for the operation of Managed Security Services. His eASM software was acquired by a NASDAQ company, he joined this company as VP of Cyber Products. Since innovation and entrepreneurship are his passion, Damian decided to found the cybersecurity company “DSecured” in 2023.

His knowledge and experience in software engineering and IT security are the basis for the development of the Argos Security Platform, a system that makes the work of red teams and penetration testers easier.

LinkedIn HackerOne GitHub

Company history


Founding of DSecured. Development of a new eASM with a broader focus (Darknet Intelligence, Brand Protection, OSINT) and capabilities to monitor large portions of the internet.


Asset deal with a NASDAQ company. eASM "NEO" becomes part of the product portfolio of an American/Israeli corporation. Damian becomes VP of Cyber products.


eASM Platform "NEO" officially launches


Damian Strobel becomes Partner & CTO in an international IT security company. His mission: To improve the external IT security of corporations with the help of automation, proven penetration testing and red teaming, as well as methods from bug bounty hunting.


The first prototype of a software solution for continuous monitoring is released and finds critical security gaps in the infrastructure of PayPal, Uber, and other US corporations.



Various employees possess certificates such as OSCP or CEH. However, for us, demonstrable success and creativity count more - so certificates are not a requirement for our employees. On our part, however, it is no problem to assemble a team in advance that meets the regulatory requirements of the client - in this regard, we provide advisory support.