Why should a bug bounty program be part of your strategy?
In today's world, cyber threats pose a constant challenge to the security of your IT infrastructure.
Integrating a bug bounty program into your IT security strategy is not only a proactive but also a
cost-conscious measure. It makes it
possible to leverage the
expertise of a global community to identify and resolve potential vulnerabilities in a
timely manner.
A bug bounty program also strengthens your company image by showing that you take the
security and protection of customer data seriously. It also helps you comply with legal requirements
and avoid possible sanctions.

Bug Bounty Program on a platform of your choice
Is it really the right tool? Advantages disadvantages?
Creation of the rules and selection of suitable hackers
Fixing common issues
Continuous monitoring and focused penetration testing
Communication with hackers, filtering valuable findings

Procedure for setting up a bug bounty program
The challenge in this area is to set up the program in a way that makes sense, doesn't waste money, and doesn't weigh you down with additional workload. To do this, you need to understand what you are facing and what are the typical issues that can cause frustration for both you and the ethical hackers.
1: Consulting
Bug bounty programs are relatively new. From the customer's perspective, it should be understood
under what circumstances something like this makes sense, what is necessary and what can be
expected. The program should be planned in detail in advance - this includes, for example, the
selection of the scope, optimal rewards, the selection of suitable
ethical hackers from a pool of
thousands of people and the creation of a set of rules that will be accepted by the
Topics such as (valid) critical findings in assets that are actually "out of scope" are also
an issue here - just like how "bug bounty hunters" really work - a topic that many operators
2: Preparation
It makes no sense to start a bug bounty program unprepared. We can also help here. This means that
typical vulnerabilities can be searched for relatively quickly and efficiently or more complex
pentests can be carried out. It usually makes sense
to know in
advance what the entire attack
surface looks like - especially if a program is planned in which the ethical hackers are
allowed to attack the entire company or a large infrastructure or wildcard domain is in scope.
In general, the goal here should be to direct the expenditure burden in the future bug bounty
program so that the program is a reasonable supplement to the company's regular IT security.
3: Triage
After starting a bug bounty program, you can expect the first reports quickly. These must be
“triaged”, it must be checked whether something relevant was actually found and how serious the
security gap is - the reward is paid out on this basis. Longer technical discussions between hackers
and triagers regularly take place in this process. We are happy to support our customers here too.
This area also includes retesting of finds and a successful completion of the process, which
should aim to ensure everyone's satisfaction.
Contact us
Services complementing bug bounty programs
Continuous monitoring
Our eASM platform "Argos" is able to monitor your entire external infrastructure non-stop - so you and we can quickly identify potential problems. The platform looks for and reports anomalies to us.
Red Teaming
Red teaming combines all IT security disciplines to achieve a defined goal. If you are confident that your infrastructure and applications are secure, red teaming is a solid tool to ensure they stay that way.
Darknet Intelligence
Too often we are part of highly complex technical penetration tests, but these do not prevent employee data from being leaked on the Internet for the portal being tested. As a customer you should know about it!
What clients say about us
„I've been really impressed with DSecured. The results they delivered exceeded our expectations. They found a wide range of IT problems and severe vulnerabilities and always communicated clearly. Working with them has been straightforward and reassuring.“
„The security of our customers’ data is our top priority. Thanks to DSecured, we were able to improve the resilience of our systems and realize how important the topic of "Shadow IT" is. The commitment of the team and their skills made the crucial difference for us.“
„DSecured was able to discover a surprising number of previously undetected security gaps in our infrastructure. The Argos platform as well as classic penetration testing were used for this. We really appreciated the honest advice on the subject of IT security and automation and would like to thank Mr. Strobel for this.“
„Mr. Strobel and his team regularly carry out penetration tests against our automation platform - and always find what they are looking for. The results are presented clearly and reproducibly. Communication has so far taken place via short channels, for example via Slack. We can definitely recommend DSecured.“