Argos eASM-Platform

Argos allows you to continuously monitor your entire external infrastructure. It is autonomous and constantly searches for new assets and vulnerabilities.

Argos was developed by IT security experts over many years to monitor and attack companies' external attack surfaces more efficiently. It was designed as a kind of "Red Team Toolkit". Together with classic IT security methods, Argos and the DSecured team can significantly improve the security of your company.

What is Argos?

The Argos platform is a solution for continuous monitoring of companies from the perspective of an external attacker. The platform collects various data about the targets, evaluates them and automatically launches non-intrusive attacks. The primary focus of the platform is to give trained personnel a comprehensive insight into the company's IT security. This happens, for example, with the help of classic vulnerability scans, but also with the help of specific attacks that the platform carries out automatically.

The fact is that no automatic tool can replace a creative attacker! Argos therefore also includes access to our team of IT security experts who are able to analyze anomalies and, if necessary, escalate them to real, critical security gaps. The platform provides important data that can, for example, facilitate and optimize phishing and spear phishing attacks as well as red teaming in general.

Argos is fully automated, but we still check with each customer whether it makes sense to expand the predefined scope if necessary. Argos also offers modules for this.

Free initial analysis

A simple (non-intrusive) proof of concept is better than any marketing material - contact us and we'll show you how to use Argos efficiently. Before we do anything, we will contact you first!

Asset discovery

Argos offers a variety of real attacker methods that allow a comprehensive overview of the infrastructure. Here you can see from the attacker's perspective how the infrastructure is structured, how it is connected and which areas could be particularly interesting. Especially with complex infrastructure, it is important to keep an overview in order to be able to react accordingly.

Meaningful analysis

Collecting data is one thing - understanding and analyzing it is another. Argos was extensively tested and optimized during various red teaming missions. It is also continuously tested by experienced bug bounty hunters against hardened infrastructure. The data it collects is regularly used to find critical security gaps in companies such as PayPal or Tesla.

Configurable & Flexible

Argos is able to make decisions fully automatically and, for example, adapt scans depending on the target, in order to stay "under the radar" but also to increase efficiency. The user can also freely configure the platform at any point and adapt each module/scan down to the last detail.

Shadow IT

If you don't know what IT assets you own, you will never be able to truly defend them. Especially during bug bounty hunting, it is important to quickly and continually find new assets and, for example, to assign IP addresses in the cloud to companies or to identify newly registered domains. Often the company's IT department does not know what assets exist and how they are related. Argos defines an asset here as a domain, subdomain, IP, ASN/CIDR, cloud asset, third party service, a person or their information or a combination of these.

Use cases

Asset inventory

Find and monitor your assets to ensure the security of your business.

Basic level of security

Argos can help you achieve and maintain a basic level of security.

Bug bounty preparations

If you are planning your own bug bounty program, Argos can help you prepare for it.

Leak monitoring

Argos monitors parts of the internet for leaks that could affect your organization.

Reducing the attack surface

The primary goal should always be to minimize the attack surface - Argos can help here.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Argos helps you understand the IT infrastructure of M&A and classify it into your risk profile.

Automated bug bounty hunter

Argo's functionality is very similar to a Bug Bounty Hunter. Just automated.

Risk assessment

Argos helps to understand and minimize the risk of external attacks.

Argos is battle tested.

We have already been able to help the following companies:

Contact DSecured

Contact us

Frequently asked questions about Argos

It depends on what the customer wants. Unless technical expertise is required from us, Argos costs between €500 and €1000 per month for the majority of businesses. For customers with very large infrastructure, we create an individual offer. Depending on the agreement, services are included or can be booked as required.

To be honest: No. If your company actually only consists of a website - for example a WooCommerce web shop or similar - then eASM systems like Argos make little sense. Here you may want to look for regular services such as pentests and OSINT. Nevertheless: Write to us and we'll see what makes sense and what doesn't.

Yes. We would be happy to get in touch with you briefly so that we can arrange an appointment for a demo and then go through everything.

This is also possible. We regularly carry out one-off scans against existing infrastructure - especially before and after comprehensive digitalization processes (move to the cloud, etc.) or before M&A integrations.

Yes, Argos is generally about continuous monitoring - i.e. it makes sense to monitor the infrastructure for a certain period of time to see how the IT teams are working, where and when they make mistakes and how frequently errors occur. As a rule, the minimum contractual term is 3 months.