Benefits of Penetration Testing for your company

In addition to the classic advantage of a secure application, pentests often offer far more benefits - which are often overlooked. Compliance, customer trust and management liability are the most important.

Penetration testing

The main advantages of penetration testing

Improving IT security

The main reason why companies resort to pentesting services is simply to improve IT security. Penetration tests carried out by experts are able to identify serious security vulnerabilities in applications, software, networks, routers and practically all other relevant digital systems. If these are closed, this naturally also has a positive effect on the security of intellectual property, customer data and other sensitive information. Depending on the context, this can also help to minimize the risk of business interruptions.

Regulatory requirements for companies

There are industries in which penetration tests are required by law. In the healthcare and finance sectors in particular, there are standards that oblige companies to carry out regular penetration tests. Key words here are HIPAA, PCI DSS and SOC2. Management personnel should be aware of this, as they are often liable if no security precautions have been taken. The importance of IT security has now been recognized everywhere. Regulations such as NIS2,ISO 27001 and GDPR, which have come into force in the EU, oblige companies to improve their IT security. Penetration tests are an essential part of these efforts.

Customer trust

The fact that a company regularly carries out penetration tests - in other words, that it takes care of IT security - can also be a smart sales argument. In times when data protection is a top priority and there are always reports of major data leaks, it is important to communicate to your customers and visitors that you are doing your best to protect their data. No one wants to receive an email from you saying that their data has been stolen. Penetration testing can help prevent this from happening.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about the benefits of pentests

What else is examined during penetration tests in addition to obvious vulnerabilities?

Depending on the context, specific vulnerabilities and security gaps are searched for and tested in addition to classic vulnerabilities, which can only be exploited by combining several vulnerabilities or using special attack methods.

How do penetration tests prepare a company for targeted attacks?

A penetration test is nothing more than a realistic attack on a company or a defined part of it. The testers are often given a time budget - just like a real attacker. They try to steal something, exfiltrate data or cause damage.

How do penetration tests promote the company's IT security culture/strategy?

If penetration tests are carried out regularly and also discover vulnerabilities, this strengthens confidence in the company's own cyber security and thus also validates the current cyber security strategy.

Do penetration tests help you get better cyber insurance?

We are increasingly hearing about cyber insurance policies that require pentests in order for insurance to be taken out at all. Instruments such as monitoring or pentest as a service ensure that premiums can be reduced and the sum insured increased.

Do penetration tests help you get a loan?

We know of a case in which a bank demanded measures in the area of IT security in order to obtain a loan for the further development of software. Penetration tests were part of these measures.

Do penetration tests help to strengthen customer loyalty and customer trust?

Logically, yes. If you know that a company regularly carries out penetration tests and thus strengthens its IT, then you have much more confidence in the company.

How do penetration tests help to keep cyber strategies up to date?

Penetration tests and general measures in the area of offensive IT security primarily uncover technical problems. However, this often also reveals weaknesses in the current strategy.

What role do penetration tests play in documenting and analyzing security vulnerabilities?

Penetration tests provide detailed insights and documentation of security vulnerabilities that can be used for audits and legal documentation requirements.

How do penetration tests improve the response to security incidents?

In larger companies, penetration tests and red teaming can be used to check the reaction of the blue team that has been attacked. In the best case scenario, this can prevent an attack quickly enough.

How do penetration tests reduce a company's attack surface?

A good penetration test has a smart scope - a very good pentest provider will suggest a scope that subsequently helps to reduce the attack surface. This includes topics such as external attack surface management.

How do pentests help to fulfill or adhere to compliance requirements?

Quite simply. Depending on the industry, companies have to prove that they take care of IT security - otherwise there are no certifications.

How are managing directors liable for cyber security and what role do penetration tests play in this?

If you look at NIS2 (amendment to the Network and Information Security Directive), it becomes clear that managing directors are liable for cyber security. It clearly states that a CEO and board members are responsible for IT security. Penetration tests are part of this responsibility. They must be carried out and monitored. Failure to do so can result in fines. This mainly affects the EU. In the USA, there are strict laws and rules anyway - which is why we keep hearing about losses in the millions there.

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