Who should perform a PHP penetration test?
The target group for a PHP pentest is anyone who develops or operates a PHP application - especially if this application processes user data, for example, or is even in the insurance or finance sector. Depending on the industry and area of application, legal requirements may also make a PHP penetration test absolutely necessary.
If you are on this page, you probably already know that you need a pentest and want to improve your PHP security. In general, you should look at what data can be found in your own application and determine whether this data could be of interest to attackers. The question of what you would do if the worst case scenario were to occur also often answers the question of whether you should invest in IT security.
How much does a PHP penetration test cost?
This depends heavily on the complexity of the software and the scope. Smaller PHP web applications can easily be tested from 2,500 euros. There are various factors that can drive the costs up or down. For example, if an extensive test report can be dispensed with, you can save 15-20%. The best approach is to obtain quotes. Without knowing exactly what kind of PHP application is involved, no one can really give a concrete cost for such a pentest.
Small budget? That's not a problem. Let's talk and define the scope so that it makes sense and significantly improves the security of your application. We always come up with a good solution! Asking costs nothing!

"PHP has a bad reputation - and I think it's wrong. PHP is a great language that is here to stay. No matter how often it is declared dead."
Damian Strobel - Founder of DSecured
PHP applications often have many security vulnerabilities, let us find and fix them all.
Related to PHP Pentesting
Pentest: Services
PHP-Pentest: Focus on web frameworks - also for API
A PHP penetration test is basically a web penetration pentest that focuses on PHP applications. To be honest, we don't see pure PHP applications in 2024. Rather, web frameworks are much more common - fortunately. This is because web frameworks such as Laravel or Symfony prevent many security vulnerabilities that can occur in pure PHP applications. Although you can never rule anything out, an SQL injection is much harder to find in a Laravel application than in a pure PHP application.
Web frameworks are now even being used for API development. The primary reason is because there are many developers and topics such as routing, authentication and validation are already covered. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, which saves time and therefore money. DSecured's focus when it comes to frameworks is clearly on Laravel and Symfony. The topic pages can be found below:
# Laravel Pentest # Symfony PentestWhen it comes to PHP, there is usually no getting around the topic of CMS. CMS penetration tests tend to focus on small components that have been developed by freelancers or agencies, for example. We recommend our focus areas for this:
# WordPress Pentest # Typo3 Pentest # Drupal Pentest
It would be a shame if hackers hacked your PHP application, stole data and caused damage. We can help at a reasonable price!
PHP security vulnerabilities: What we might find
Severity: Low/Medium
Classic findings with a low severity level are, for example, missing security headers or the ability to enumerate login names. If the severity level is "medium", then these are, for example, missing CSRF tokens. However, it is always important to say that context is extremely important. These findings can quickly become major problems.
Severity: High
The high severity is usually associated with a high impact. Reading files from the file system (file inclusions, path traversals) would be an example of this. Reading database content (SQL injection) could also fall into this category. Context is also important here, as an SQL injection can quickly become critical.
Severity: Critical
Can you execute your own code? That would be an example of a critical vulnerability. Code injection is the category that everyone is worried about. An attacker can execute their own code on the server and often take over the entire server. He has full control. This category also includes vulnerabilities such as deserialization (in the case of PHP via unserialize).
PHP Penetrationstest: Blackbox or Whitebox Testing
The absolute majority of our PHP penetration tests - especially if the web application is more complex - are black box tests. This means that we do not know the application and have to behave like an attacker. It is often the case that we only know that it is a PHP application. The advantage here is that it gives a fairly realistic picture of the application's security.
The absolute opposite is basically an analysis of the source code. This is a whitebox test. This is rarely requested - primarily because the costs are often significantly higher than for a blackbox pentest. However, DSecured has a number of employees who are both PHP developers and penetration testers - and have been for years. A whitebox test would be more expensive here, but would produce more results.
Some companies we have been able to help

Further questions and answers on the topic
"PHP penetration testing"
How long does PHP penetration testing typically take?
The duration of PHP penetration testing can vary depending on the complexity & size of your web applications. Most tests range from a few days to several weeks. We ensure every nook & cranny is examined to safeguard your digital assets.
What should I expect to receive at the conclusion of PHP penetration testing?
The result is always a final PDF report containing a summary for the management level and a technical section. The latter is intended to enable your development team to rectify the weaknesses found.
How often should PHP penetration testing be performed?
The frequency should match your development cycle, but typically, retesting every 12 months or after significant changes ensures consistent security.
Can PHP penetration testing disrupt my existing services?
While our approach is designed to minimalize disruption, some tests might require conditions that could pose risks. We always coordinate closely with your team to ensure the testing phase goes smoothly without affecting the end-user experience.
What specific risks does PHP security testing protect against?
This specialized testing hones in on SQL injections, XSS, and other PHP-specific vulnerabilities that could allow malicious entities to exploit your systems. Understanding these risks allows us to fortify your defenses effectively.
Is there a specific phase of development best for conducting PHP security assessments?
Ideally, involving security assessments early in the development phase allows for identifying & rectifying vulnerabilities before they escalate. However, assessments are valuable at any stage of development.
What criteria determine the complexity of a PHP security audit?
Complexity is gauged by the application's size, the functionality of the PHP environment, the interplay of various components, & previous audit findings. Each layer adds nuances that are critical to the testing process.
Who will be reviewing the findings of the PHP security examination?
Our team of certified penetration testers will dissect the findings, but we also ensure the report is digestible for both your technical teams & C-suite executives to understand the practical implications and necessary steps forward.
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